Public Support and Donations
The program is completely funded by donation support and fundraising efforts . Donations give us the opportunity to continue this program and build it better each year. Many schools are not able to afford this kind of special programming, but with your help, we are able to provide this experience to many schools with little cost to them, making sure every student that is able has equal opportunity to benefit. Also with your help, we are able to provide free entry to the yearly concert at the Opera House to all students 18 years old and younger, again making sure these students learn and experience the great and truly American art form of Jazz music.
We are grateful of your consideration to support “Jazz In The Classroom.” Through our partnership with the Northern New York Community Foundation, we are able to accept generous contributions that will provide a special musical experience for Jefferson County students that will last a lifetime.
We have also established an endowment fund with the Northern NY Community Foundation to build a permanent resource to support the program forever. For more information, please contact the Foundation at (315) 782-7110.
Your thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so very much for your support,
The Brighton Beat, Sam Wagner, Hannah Grybowski
To make a gift, please make a check payable to:
Northern New York Community Foundation -
131 Washington Street, Watertown, NY 13601
Designation: Jazz In The Classroom Sustaining Fund
To give online, follow this link below: